Rio de Janeiro, Brésil
Resensitizing cities: urban ambiances and senses
We aim to investigate the practice of urban daily life and the study of rhythms of life, intertwined with the daily life of cities, on a small scale. Through the look at senses that interfere in uses and appropriations in the urban environment, we intend to deepen the thinking about strategies of articulation between the urban experience and the affectivity in the great metropolis.
There will be a 3 and half-day workshop + international conference with renowned speakers from the Ambiances Network, such as the prominent researchers Jean François Augoyard and Jean-Paul Thibaud.
The routine of the event includes the presentation of papers and also the accomplishment of experiences in the streets through a central result coming from the workshops of theoretical and practical reflections.
After the papers presentation sessions, there will be discussions on the following morning for the elaboration of action strategies in the streets of the central region of Rio de Janeiro, in order to apply experiments = « resensitizations ».
It is important to emphasize that the papers submitted to this event may contain suggestions but do not necessarily have to present action proposals for experiments, since these will be defined together in the discussions of the axes (check the texts that define the thematic axes).
The conference, therefore, aims to contribute to urban planners, architects and thinkers on urban issues so as to understand the expectations of the human being with regard to their spaces, perceiving it as a center, actor, constructor and mainly part of the elaboration of their projects. It is intended to highlight the theme of sensitive urban environments, demonstrating the role of humanized and humanizing urban projects for contemporary metropolises, aligned with the idea of human sustainability for the future of our cities.
Conference organizers
Cristiane Rose Duarte/PROARQ/UFRJ and Ethel Pinheiro Santana/PROARQ/UFRJ
Steering CommitteeFabiola do Valle Zonno Alda Azevedo Barbara Thomaz Ilana Sancovschi Leonardo Muniz Juliana Queiroz Julia Delmondes Luciana Secron Marilía Chaves Marília Ceccon Nathalia Moreira Pâmela Paris Rayana Gama |
Scientific CommitteeAlina Santiago, UFSC Angélica Benatti Alvim, Mackenzie Antonio Tarcísio Reis, UFGRS Damien Masson, Université de Cergy-Pontoise Evelyn Furquim Werneck, UERJ Gleice Elali, UFRN Luiz Eirado Amorim, UFPE Marcelo Tramontano, USP Paulo Afonso Rheingantz, UFRJ Stael Pereira Costa, UFMG |
10:00-13:00 Presentation of the approved works + division of the workshops groups
10:00-13:00 WORKSHOP – definition of exploratory activities = RESENSIBILIZATIONS13:00-14:30 Lunch14:30-18:00 APPLICATION OF RESENSIBILIZATIONS – Center of Rio de JaneiroDay 4 | Saturday ,October 5th
10:00-11:30 Keynote
SENSES AND CITIES by Jean-Paul Thibaud, Cresson Fr